Multimedia Rising Star Award


The Multimedia Rising Star Program was initiated in ICME 2021 to highlight plenary presentations of about four selected rising researchers on their vision and research achievements, and dialog with senior members about the future of multimedia research. The Multimedia Rising Star Award will be selected every two years at ICME conferences, aiming to acknowledge young and accomplished researchers working in emerging areas of multimedia research.

Nomination Process

For the 2023 ICME in Brisbane, the nominations of Rising Star candidates are made from the four sponsoring TCs. Each TC can nominate no more than three candidates from the TC members. The candidates are expected to have graduated with their PhD within the past 10 years. We encourage TCs to consider diversity, including regional and gender balance when selecting the candidates. Based on the inputs from TCs, a committee including the ICME 2023 OC members will select the final Rising Stars. In this process, multiple factors will be carefully considered, including created and expected impact (both academic and non-academic) of their work, scholastic and industrial achievements after their PhD degree, professional service records, and proposed presentation topics of nominated candidates. Other relevant achievements should also be highlighted in the nomination documentation for the candidates.

Evaluation and Election Process

Up to four Rising Stars selected by the Multimedia Rising Star committee will be invited to join a forum at ICME 2023 and deliver a talk during the conference, with their registrations waived. An award committee will be formed to review the nomination materials, and select the Multimedia Rising Star from the four final candidates. A certificate will be presented to each selected Multimedia Rising Star by ICME 2023 Organizing Committee during the Award Ceremony.

Important Dates

May 15

Candidates recommended from the four sponsoring TCs. TC chairs to send recommendations together with (1) candidates’ CVs, and (2) support letter addressing the selection criteria, including candidates’ talk titles and abstracts, to Zhu Li ([email protected]) and Shan Liu ([email protected]).

May 30

Selection of finalists by the committee.

July 12

ICME 2023 Multimedia Rising Star Panel in Brisbane.

July 14

Delivery of Multimedia Rising Star Award at the closing ceremony of ICME 2023.

Multimedia Rising Star Competition Panel Members

Zhu Li
University of Missouri, KC

Shan Liu
Tencent USA

Ivan Bajic
Simon Fraser University

Chonggang Wang
InterDigital, Inc., USA

Samson Cheung
University of Kentucky

Chencui Zhang
University of Alabama at Birmingham

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