Panel Proposals

Proposals are solicited for panels of 90 minutes duration. The set of panellists should represent the relevant different views of the panel topic. Proposers should organise the panel to be lively and discuss different points of view. Panels should have balance between industry and academia representatives. The panellists must have high interaction with the attendees while addressing their questions and comments. To this end, at least two thirds of the panel duration should be spent in interaction with the audience managed by a panel moderator and the panellist should use at most 3 slides in their presentations. No more than 4 panellists (beyond moderator) should be considered.


Panel Proposals must include the following information:

  1. Title of the proposed panel
  2. Name, affiliation, contact and web page of the panel moderator
  3. Name, affiliation, contact and web page of the panellists
  4. Short biographies of the panel moderator and panellists with emphasis on panel topic related achievements
  5. Panel motivation and relevance
  6. Panel outline including topics to be covered
  7. Panel dynamics including the sequence of interventions and ways to make the panel lively and challenging
  8. Participation in previous panels by the panellists and moderator


Please submit the proposals in PDF format to the relevant Panel chairs.

Important Dates

Panel proposal submission deadline 23-Mar-22, All submissions are due 11:59PM Pacific time.

Panel Chairs

Z Jane Wang

University of British Columbia, Canada
[email protected]

Ioannis Katsavounidis

Meta Inc, USA
[email protected]

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